AccountsareissuedtoourpeoplefromcountriesoutsideRussia,BelarusandUkraine.Afterfullverification,you will getallusernamesandpasswords.You will be able to change email, phone number, and other information!
Thereare2availablecards: Avirtualandaphysicalcard.Lite plan accountsgettheopportunitytoissueacardafterreceiving$100totheaccount. ThePro plan accountsareservedwith2prepaidvirtualcardsimmediatelyafterreceivingtheaccount!
You will be able to use your Payoneer prepaid card anywhere you want: pay for Facebook, Google, TikTok and Pinterest ads, buy products from Amazon, Aliexpress and Ebay, accept payments from your customers and much more!
Payoneer prepaid cardarrivesattheaddressspecifiedin Payoneer -wereceiveit, but we arent able to activate it, only user with Payoneer email and password can activate it. After that we will sent this card to your address.